
The world is indeed a scary place to live in.
Whatever reasons you have,you cant cheat on your life partner or someone else.
Cheating is completely unacceptable.

Marriage is where you should be together,
For better,for worse
For richer,for poorer
In health,in sickness
and through any hardships.
That's the beauty of marriage i guess.

If you dont want to be in difficult times,
I wonder why you get married in the first place.
It is highly likely that your only reason is just to have fun.

What goes up will definitely go down.
You will surely be punished for your wrongdoings.

I was saddened with the fact that a husband cheats on his wife just because she smells.
What a silly reason.

am no better than anyone else.


Akmal Sabri said…
waah..aku kagum dengan ko..rupanya ko juga ahli bahasa selain ahli dalam bidang kimia.hehe
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