
Showing posts from December, 2014


So long 2014, I cherish every moment i had in this year Happy new year guys!


There are three different types of people in this world. It's four actually,not three But i don't want to write much about this particular type of person. The first one is people who are exceptionally intelligent or creative. In other words, genius!  They do less,but they always achieve more and better results. From my point of view genius is someone who does a very little amount of work or does nothing at all. If you stay up late to study,you obviously put some efforts that influence your achievement. To me,you are not a genius. Secondly is the hard worker. I must admit that i belong to this class. I am neither intelligent nor creative. But i always believe that your hard work will pay off sooner or later. Although people sometimes tend to despise those who work hard, I truly believe that those people will regret doing so. My advice is you have to prevent yourself from looking down on others. albeit you may have something that they don't have, Or you can do something that ...

Island of dreams

Promises that were made, Hopes that i had. Future that i imagined. Beauty that i was mesmerized by, Characters that no one else has, Smile that always caught my attention. Laugh that were infectious and extremely  contagious. I always wish i were able to travel back in time, There are things i wish i could change, Now i do realise, Even if i could, this time travel cannot make someone love you. Dont worry, I am completely fine. Sometimes i am even stronger than you guys are. Krik krik krik 

The irony

Orang selalu minta nasihat aku pasal hubungan dan sewaktu dengannya, No,it's not that i hate you guys. Tapi, Aku sendiri balik malaysia lepas kena dump, Betapa kecewanya aku masa tu, Siap drop dua papers lagi bulan september lepas, Aku sendiri tak pernah berjaya dlm bab hubungan ni, Maksudnya aku sendiri pun xboleh nak stay positif bila hadapi situasi mcm tu. I mean,siapalah aku nk bagi nasihat dekat korang, Aku sendiri pun know almost zero when it comes to this topic, Masing-masing dah besar, Dah cukup besar untuk fikir dan tentukan mana baik dan mana yg buruk, Kalau aku yang dari keluarga yang penghayatan islamnya tak kuat pun boleh stay positif selepas tu, Korang yg lebih islamic drpd aku sepatutnya dah tak bother untuk sedih, Benda macam ni sepatutnya kacang je bagi korang. Semuanya bergantung pada diri sendiri dan ko punya will power, Persoalan sama ada ko nak move on atau nak stay sedih. Jadi pilihlah, Itu pilihan individu, Klu ko pilih untuk stay sedih,dan stay sedihlah. Com...

Black hole

Black hole ni secara asasnya satu tempat di dalam mana-mana ruang yang daya tarikannya sangat kuat, Sehingga jirim (matter) dan cahaya pun xboleh terlepas, Black holes ada beberapa saiz, ada yang besar, ada jugak yang sekecil atom. anda tahu betapa kecilnya atom ni sebab mata kasar tak boleh nampak atom ni Tapi point paling penting pasal black hole bukan size,tapi jisim(mass) black hole tersebut Secara asasnya jisim ni la yang menyebabkan black hole tu ada daya tarikan yang sangat kuat. Bayangkan black hole yang sebesar atom tapi dari segi jisim 20 kali ganda daripada jisim matahari. Serba sedikit penerangan pasal graviti ni, Daya tarikan ni berkadar terus (directly proportional) dengan jisim objek 1 dan objek 2  dan berkadar songsang (inversely proportional) dengan jarak antara dua objek tersebut. Maksudnya, daya tarikan makin kuat apabila jisim makin besar, atau makin lemah apabila semakin jauh antara satu sama lain. Sumber Jadi bayangkan betapa besar...

Apa khabar?

I have been dreaming about you since the last two weeks. It has been a while,i guess. Those dreams somehow gave me strength,indirectly. How i wish those dreams were real. And I think, A part of me still misses you. Missing someone that i should not. Good memories are indeed hard to fade.