I am nothing without you,,,mum

My mom is amazing..
Ni tjuk nasyed dari barat..Lbh krg mcm lagu Your Mother,by Yusoff Islam…
First time dgr mmg menangis sbb mksud lagu ni btol2 mendalam..
Sebelum ni org sibuk nk download lgu2 org puteh..Cnthnya Love Story…
Tp for me lgu My Mom Is Amazing ni berjaya smpaikn msg kpd pndengar.
It is all about mother..Nothing else.. x rugi klu dgr..
I try to find its lyrics but I cant find it..so sad..
Actually aku pom x prnh dgr lgu ni before this..
Time ktorg ada kelas Mechanics,member aku tny, pernah dgr lgu My mom is amazing x?
Segan gak r dgn member aku sorg ni..maybe die expect aku bnyk dgr lgu2 islamic ni..
Biase r 2,nobody is perfect..name je pljr kisas,tp akhlak x melambangkn aku ni pernah bljr kt kisas..
The most touching part dlm lgu ni,,,< when I woke up in the morning,she was not there>…
Sdgkn lirik2 sblom this part bdk ni(penyanyi lgu ni) describes everything about his mother..
Ya ALLAH,sedih gle..after listening to the whole song,baru aku faham..
Actually emak bdk ni mmg dh meninggal,rindu sngt kt mak die..
Slh satu msg yg aku dpt,be nice to our mothers..
That’s all..


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