ni basikal aku, biasanya ke uni kayuh basikal ni la, sbnrnya nk beli basikal baru, senior kata,ko repair je basikal lama tu, bleh jimat duit, basikal yg second hand pun 150 euro,,mahal. skrg dlm misi nk jd tnggi plak,,haha xcukup inci, naik basikal pun xstabil..haha
xpasti bunga ape,,xkesah la,,janji purple.. ni bunga dr coburg, tulip purple xdijumpai di coburg ni untuk anda yg suka bunga tulip n warna purple.. : )
Hi! Don't know if anyone of you still reads my blog. It's been ages since my last update. I actually had some time between December 2017 to up until now. Back then in Germany, since my family wasn't around, I wrote whenever I had time. Being a lot closer changes everything now. I no longer write during my free time. I prefer to spend that time with people I hold dear. As for my heart, it's healing. Wrote last time that it'd take forever to mend a broken heart. 4 years have passed by and I too have started to feel much better. Take care everyone.
control sudeyh. . .
xpaya la deaktif2 neyh. . .hee~