Gambar2 Malam kebudayaan Malaysia

siapa kata aku xrock?

tp ada org kata aku xhensem time ni.

xkesah semua tu,,
sbb aku suka rambut aku skrng.

sapa kata org india je boleh buat bnda ni,,
melayu boleh gak la brader


bdk skip class german said…
head group culture main gitar, kaloh wali band hahaha
Idil said…
haha..peminat wali band nmpknya anda ni..haha
Idil said…
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Idil said…
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Idil said…
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referee bias said…
apa barang baju melayu warna pink...jambu tu..hahaha
Idil said…
oren boh..buke pink.haha
klu pink meme aku xpakai la..

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