ipe's solution and i

ms cynthia tngh marah2 kt depan kelas..
aku n budak2 meja belakang mmg xdgr pom,
so,musa ambik solution ape ntah,
tp yg pasti,alkaline solution la
ipe plak tmbh phenolphthalein,
warna mixture tu lawa gle,
masing2 ambik enset,
dgn slumber,amik gambar mixture 2,
ms cynthia still marah2 ag time tu..
musa pnye pasal la ni..

ni je gmbr yg ade,,sedih btol,,
this colour reminds of someone,i think..
br jep nk layan emosi,time's up..
so ein pech!


zT said…
pnah spilt on2 my labcoat.seb bek kaler cun..=p
Idil said…
Nsb bek ada labc0at.ha3.biase la zt,wrna 2 lawa due to the fact,chemistry 2 lawa.bio x.ha3
wafiy said…
what this purple color reminds of? he2...
Idil said…
Ada la fiy,s0meone xbrape important.ha3

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